Meet Alexander Zubieta
What is it like working at Hemfrid?
- The best thing about the job is that we make a difference every day and make everyday life easier for our customers. You become happy and proud when you can help and the customers are satisfied. Every home is like a new world and I am constantly learning new things.
What expectations do you have for an employer like Hemfrid?
-For me it is important that it is a serious company that offers security. That the company takes care of its employees and has good conditions with collective agreements and further education. For me it has also been crucial that I have had such good managers. They have encouraged me to develop, seen that I am a driven person and offered me education to be able to take the next step in my career.
What opportunities are there to develop within the company?
-I have worked here for almost 9 years because I enjoy working with the tasks, colleagues and managers. From the first working day, it has been a journey where I was constantly given new opportunities. When I came to Sweden and started at Hemfrid, I first worked with window cleaning. Getting a first job means a lot. This is not only a first step into the job market but also the way into Swedish society.
What does a normal working day at Hemfrid look like for you?
-For the past four years I have worked as a team leader and every day looks different. I am the link between customers, managers and employees and work on coordinating different resources. During high season, I also get in quite often myself and help where needed, with what's needed.
What do your future career plans look like?
-I want to continue to contribute to Hemfrid's development. The area I would prefer to develop more in is personnel responsibility.
Personal facts
Name: Alexander Zubieta
Age: 32
Position at Hemfrid: Hemfridare and team leader in Moving service and Deep cleaning
Do you want to become part of our team? Right now, we are looking for more Hemfridare. Apply here!